
By Janet Martin February 25, 2025
We often think about teamwork in connection with work or sports, but anytime we are doing something with others its teamwork. Making a meal, planning a vacation, picking out a new sofa, deciding where to go for dinner—that’s teamwork too. For me it has been important to let go of old ideas of how things should be to move forward. To be open to new ways of thinking and focusing on the end goal—the “what” not the “how”.
Here in Costa Rica they have a deep love of nature and a genuine pride in their country.  My friend
By Janet Martin January 29, 2025
Here in Costa Rica they have a deep love of nature and a genuine pride in their country. My friend and I were recently on a tour with our favourite guide. We went to a nature centre where we saw sloths (including a rare sighting of one on the ground—they only come down to the ground once a week), toucans, a boa constrictor, a viper and the famous red eyed frog and more. Our guides really wanted us to see all that we could—they went
By Janet Martin January 3, 2025
I used to need to know. To make firm plans. To be on solid ground. I used to try and plan everything. I had spreadsheets for everything. Then I would be upset and often angry when things didn’t go the way I wanted. But learning to say “I don’t know” has allowed me to relax and enjoy the ride. Life is full of uncertainties. I can make myself crazy with that or I can enjoy the ride.
During this busy holiday seasons we put so much pressure on ourselves.  Trying to get it all done.
By Janet Martin November 25, 2024
During this busy holiday seasons we put so much pressure on ourselves. Trying to get it all done. Trying to be perfect, have the perfect family gathering(s), get all the presents right, etc This year I decided to relax about all that and just do what I can. To heed my own advice and focus on inputs not outcomes. So far, it’s working for me.
By Janet Martin November 3, 2024
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