During this busy holiday seasons we put so much pressure on ourselves. Trying to get it all done. Trying to be perfect, have the perfect family gathering(s), get all the presents right, etc.
This year I decided to relax about all that and just do what I can. To heed my own advice and focus on inputs not outcomes. So far, it’s working for me.
Yes, you can tell a short person put up my Christmas lights outside, but they are up and I think they look festive. I actually enjoyed putting them up, without the pressure to get them way up in the trees.
I went into this weekend’s cookie baking extravaganza telling myself, we might not get everything done, but I was going to be ok with whatever we managed to accomplish. Guess what –I was more relaxed and so was everyone else and we got most of it done! My nieces and nephew were just little when we started. This year, we got my grandnephews and niece involved as well—yes it takes more time, its messier, the cookies aren’t as perfect but it’s so much fun and it’s a great bonding experience. It’s wonderful to have three generations doing this now.
The only one asking me to be perfect is me. No one else expects that of me. I am planning on keeping my cool for the rest of the season by remembering that and being kind to myself, managing my energy (versus my time), doing what I can and knowing no matter what it will be enough for those I love and care about.
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