We often think about teamwork in connection with work or sports, but anytime we are doing something with others its teamwork. Making a meal, planning a vacation, picking out a new sofa, deciding where to go for dinner—that’s teamwork too.
For me it has been important to let go of old ideas of how things should be to move forward. To be open to new ways of thinking and focusing on the end goal—the “what” not the “how”. At our annual holiday gatherings now we order in food rather than making a traditional meal. I thought that I “should” cook a big meal. Then my niece had a chat with me and I discovered that most of them felt that cooking the big meal took us away from time with each other because we spent it in the kitchen cooking, cleaning up and being exhausted. We changed our approach. That meant I had to listen (not always my best skill) and give up some preconceived notions of what was the “right” way to do things (also not easy).
Being open to new ways, new ideas and new concepts is critical to our ability to get along with others and also to getting things done. If we remember we are teammates and that we need to consider how the rest of the team feels, we can let go and move forward. We can focus on the goal and be flexible about the how.
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