I see a tragic escalation of us and them thinking in the world today. We need to acknowledge we are all part of the same humanity—that we are all the same and all wonderfully different at the same time. We are all connected.
Our current passion for labeling everyone and everything about them, sometimes puts the focus on differences rather than our shared humanity. Labels can be validating and useful, but they can also be divisive and limiting. If I label myself as a senior with severe arthritis in my knees my view, and how others see me, shrinks. When I don’t label myself (while not denying or avoiding my age or health issue)—anything and everything is still possible. Even labels I see as validating—feminist, liberal, smart, strong are seen as negative by some.
When I label another as “them”, its often because I don’t approve of “them” in some way—their actions, words or viewpoints and I close myself off in order protect/justify myself. I don’t see the room for discussion and compromise. When I see my connection to another as part of this wonderful mixed-up humanity I am part of--I can see their pain, I can take the time to listen, I can consider their perspective. Only then do I have a chance to respond with wisdom and compassion—the two things that heal.
Until we all see that we are all connected and that we all win or lose together, we will never heal the world. Until we know that only love and understanding and caring and connection heal—we will forever be in pain.
If you want to read something by someone much more eloquent than I am on this subject read anything by Alan Watts.