Blog Post

I am doing surprisingly OK.

Janet Martin • May 19, 2020

But I long for a hug.

I am doing surprisingly OK.  

Today I will be have been home from Costa Rica for almost ten weeks. I was looking forward to meeting my new grandnephew, seeing the rest of my family, reconnecting with friends, getting a haircut, shopping etc. Two days later I was self-isolating (someone on my plane back to Canada tested positive).

Like about 25% of Canadians I live alone. For us social distancing means literally no human contact, for months until this thing is contained. I know we all face difficult and unique challenges as we weather this storm, but those of us who live alone face some unique issues. We don’t have to worry about amusing or teaching children, or about how to a find quiet space so we can work, or about what to do when someone we love gets on our nerves in close quarters—but we do have to deal with the aloneness and the total lack of human contact. We have to face the day to day challenges and fears without a hug; without another sane voice in the room to tell us we do not need to disinfect the pizza box; without someone to wipe our tears when the sadness or fear comes. We have gotten used to being on our own and to dealing with things on our own –but this is different--deeply different. 
I have seen my nieces from a safe distance a very few times. We chatted outside for few minutes. It was amazing to talk to someone in person. I got to see my beautiful grandnephew, and my pregnant niece albeit from afar. We have also started weekly family Zoom meetings. My weekly sitting group is online now as are the classes I teach. These fed my soul.  

I am believe my years of practice, experience with silent retreats, teaching meditation and these limited contacts have kept me sane. It has tamed my naturally restless nature and lets this extrovert survive this time alone. But I long for a real hug.

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