One of my family suggested that I live a minimalist life—in jest of course! I believe in living the biggest sparkling life you can. I believe in showing the world your biggest, brightest self. It’s about using all the talents and experiences you have been given to their fullest. Don’t be afraid to be noticed, to shine, to excel, to enjoy every moment. It is about not accepting anyone else’s expectations of “you” and writing your own story.
We are all the product of a great deal of work by the universe to make the unique being we are—parents, ancestors, the times we were born into, where we were born, the economic circumstance of our youth, our talents, intellect, abilities, our physicality, our lived experiences etc.—the list of what makes us unique is very long. There will never be another exactly like any of us. We are one of a kind. How can we waste that by hiding any of what we are? How can we waste that by not using our talents in a way that makes us the happiest?
Imagine this world if we were all unapologetically our biggest, brightest selves and those selves were celebrated unconditionally! We need to move towards that. It starts with each of being unafraid to sparkle, to shine and to celebrate our uniqueness. It begins with each of us reaching for what will make us happy.
It begins with recognizing we are all on a journey to be our best selves and what that means will be different for each of us. That is when we will be able to celebrate and enjoy everyone else’s uniqueness unconditionally. That is when judgement and criticism disappear.
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