Blog Post

You are your ancestors' wildest dreams

Janet Martin • October 3, 2022

This is really true for me

“You are your ancestors’ wildest dreams.”

I heard this phrase for the first time recently and it stopped me in my tracks. I couldn't get it out of my head.  I just loved the truth of it.

It is really true for me and my siblings. My parents, my grandparents, their parents could not have imagined this life—it would be beyond their wildest dreams. It is all they wanted for us and more. In many ways my life is beyond my wildest dreams. As a young girl, I had many dreams—bigger and brighter than most of my friends and in all probability well beyond the reach.

But yet here I am. Living a life of privilege and ease. I have had professional success which allows me to live comfortably. I have a large loving family and wonderful friends. I am healthy and happy. I am my wildest dream.

Many of us are. Yet we fail to recognize or celebrate it. We focus on petty annoyances and day-to-day struggles, without seeing how minor they are in the grand scheme of things.

I urge you to see yourself as someone’s wildest dream, to celebrate being your own wildest dream and to do whatever you can to ensure everyone gets to be their own wildest dream. 

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