Blog Post

Don't Mind the Gap

Janet Martin • November 1, 2022

Progress is what counts

 We all have things we want to be better at--our job, our relationships, our self care, getting over things, hobbies, life.   

Too often we spend time looking at how far below the line we fall--on average we spend 12% of our waking hours comparing ourselves to others, often negatively(that’s about an hour a day!).   This looking at how far you have to go is often daunting, makes us feel frustrated and it's self-defeating.  It is like the kid in the car constantly asking  "Are we there yet?".   

It doesn't take into account how far we have come. The real measure is just that--progress.  Recognizing progress makes us appreciate that we can and are getting better--growing .  It  gives us faith that we can get to the finish line.

In life--both personally and professionally --it's progress that is important. Moving forward towards a goal, getting better, seeing that the a lot of the race is behind us--gives us that second wind to get to the finish line (if there is one).  Also  recognizing for many things there is no finish line--being a good person, your to do list, your skill set, your relationship etc. --in all cases its progress that counts.

Keep making progress.


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