Blog Post

Swerving - moving towards your heart

Janet Martin • February 15, 2019
Costa Rica

Michele Obama uses the term swerving in a great positive sense in her book, Becoming . If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it. It’s honest and insightful and a great read - regardless of your political viewpoint.

It got me thinking about my swerves in life - the times you move off in a different direction from the path you are on or supposed to be on. The times you move toward your heart and your true self. I have had a lot of swerves. And I am deeply, deeply grateful for them all - even if at the time the swerve was very difficult and people told me I was crazy!

When you follow your gut and your heart you rarely err - when you follow your head or someone else’s sense of what you should be doing you often end up unhappy and unfulfilled. I swerved off the path for a young born on a farm in the 50’s to university and the business world, I swerved into jobs that people thought I was nuts to take, I swerved out of business to teaching meditation when others thought I should take one more “big job”. All of these brought me a life filled with all sorts of satisfaction and reward (both financial and emotional).

So I am a big fan of the swerve - just follow your own heart!

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