Blog Post

I have been thinking about privilege

Janet Martin • February 17, 2020

What is privilege and what does meditation have to do with it?

I have been thinking a lot about privilege lately and for me the role that meditation has played in my privileged life.
I know how hard I worked to be able to enjoy this life of privilege. But lots of people work just as hard and don’t get to enjoy what I experience. It is easy to just accept this wonderful life and not appreciate the gift and the wonder of it. I am trying to be truly, deeply, grateful for it all moment by moment. 
Privilege is not just about the things I can indulge myself with—and they are legion—weeks in Costa Rica in the winter filled with friends, spa treatments, lying by the pool, personal trainers, wonderful food or when I return to Canada, the ability to redecorate my home, or buy a new car or add to the already ridiculous amount of clothes I have or to travel overseas to a cousins wedding etc.
For me privilege is having a large healthy, loving family on both sides of the Atlantic that I want to spend time with and who want to spend time with me. Privilege is having a wonderful group of friends who support me and who challenge me and keep me re-evaluating my beliefs and judgements. Privilege is being able to teach meditation in my retirement -- something I find meaningful and that helps others. 
I would have a lot of the privileged “things” without meditation (I worked very hard and had a very financially rewarding career) but I do not believe I would be appreciating them or that my relationships today would be as strong as they currently are without meditation. I know for sure I would not be as happy as I am today.  
Meditation has not always been fun for me—in fact it has been damned difficult and unpleasant at times as I let go of a huge pile of very deep and negative emotional baggage. It took time and courage to look at those parts of myself and to change them, but it was worth it. I am still a work in progress—I get down or feel lonely or feel angry or just plain bummed and unappreciated at times. I can still be judgemental and dismissive--but it doesn’t happen as often and I am much more aware when it happens and I don’t stay there as long.   
Meditation also teaches me that all this can change in a moment—so today I will hug my friends, sit in the sun and rejoice in the moment.

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