Blog Post

Letting go--it's hard!

Janet Martin • February 5, 2020

I am still a work in progress!

Letting go—I think it's the hardest thing we do
I teach a lot about letting go—why it’s important, how to do it, what it feels like, how it is a process etc. And yet it is still the hardest thing I do personally--every day. I know how much I have already let go of and I wonder when will this letting go end?  
Right now my mind is trying to beat me up over an innocent comment I made yesterday that someone might (or might not) have found insensitive. I want to let go of that. I am also trying to let go of an old hurt from grade 8 (remember I am now 68—so that is a long time ago). I am trying to let go of that too. I am trying to let go of being frustrated with my knees (the arthritis is a constant) and wishing I could play golf. And a myriad of moment to moment flashes of regret or pain.  
Letting go is an ongoing lifelong process—there is yet another deep layer to let go of and a surface layer and all the stuff in between. Working with those deep layers is one of my current focuses in meditation. It is also my meditation in action focus at the moment—letting go moment by moment of all the petty little things that could annoy, anger, distress, or bewilder me. Letting go of my reactive, judgemental self—what a job! Still a work in progress—but there is progress. 

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