Blog Post

Ordinary Joy

Janet Martin • August 19, 2020

Finding joy in our everyday lives

We are often all too aware of the ups and downs of our lives. Yet our lives are mostly filled with ordinary things—ordinary experiences. The mundane—doing laundry, getting things done, cooking supper, washing our hair, watching TV. That is where most of life happens. In the ordinary, between the spikes of joy and sorrow. That is where we need to be awake and aware and take our joy.  

I chose to write this blog entry (an ordinary activity for me) in the backyard. That way I can enjoy the sound of the waterfall, the breeze in the trees, the little cacti on my table and the birds in the trees. I can take joy not only in getting my thoughts “on paper” but in my surroundings. I can have this ordinary joy. 
As my practice has grown, this ordinary joy is there for me more and more of the time. I am fascinated with the everyday moments of my life and I find they are extraordinary. I am full of wonder at this gift of awareness, of life, of choice.

Sylvia Bornstein says “This has never happened before, I’d better pay attention!” and Thich Nhat Hahn says “This is it”. This moment is where our lives are happening now. We need to be fully present, in awe of everything in this moment and enjoying it. It won’t come around again—we only live each moment once. If we miss it—it’s gone.  

So we need to spend some time taking joy in the ordinary. Enjoying the gentle flow of our lives. Making choices in how to spend each moment. Seeing the magnificence in the mundane.  

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