Blog Post

Love Wins

Janet Martin • November 19, 2018
Mosaic heart

I am distressed by the overt hate we are seeing in the world--but I believe we are also seeing huge movement in the other direction. Love just doesn't make the same headlines.

I am encouraged by many things. My immediate family has always been open and accepting--we were raised us to value a person's actions and ethics and to be tolerant of peoples foibles and failings. We were taught to see the person and not the race or religion. But in the community, I grew up in and in my extended family it was another story--but I see how radically that has changed today--even among my Trump loving American relatives and others who once thought "different" was a problem.

I also see how mindfulness is spreading--it encourages us to respond and not react--it teaches us to examine our thoughts and fears-and it teaches us that we are all one.--Its global spread is unstoppable now--we have passed the tipping point.

There is much to take solace in.

I think that all change causes disruption and anger often spills out into violence--but I have a deep faith that love will win in the end. I think we are at an inflection point as a species and that we will have to change to survive and that only love can fix what is wrong. I also think that love is sustainable and hate is not. Hate burns out the the hater --it needs continuous feeding and stoking and in the end it burns its creator and runs out of fuel. It can not last. Love lasts forever and nourishes everything it touches--it will win.

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