Happiness is in this moment!
Janet Martin • September 9, 2018
I have been able to spend time with my grandniece this summer and it has been an excellent reminder that happiness is all around us all the time. She is happy about the noise a bag makes when you crinkle it, she is happy when we sing to her (no small feat - since no one in my family can carry a tune), she is happy to be held, she is happy to crawl around, she is happy to splash in the pool, she is happy to watch the breeze in the trees... she is just happy!
She is has reminded me to take joy in all the small things that happen every day. She laughs out loud at lots of things - and I find myself laughing out loud more these days. This morning I spilled water all over myself and the kitchen - trust me the picture on this blog entry does not do justice to the mess I made - and I just laughed out loud! It made it much easier to clean up the mess.
In fact, I laughed as I cleaned it up - and reminded myself that I had not been in the moment when I made the mess. Had I been fully present, it wouldn't have happened. My grandniece is just in the moment all the time - after all she is only a few months old - and she keeps us more anchored to the moment too. Just spending time with her has reminded me that joy is here - right now if I simply pay attention.
Life is in the moment - this moment. Joy is in the moment - this moment.