Blog Post

why meditate?

Janet Martin • September 19, 2019

Here is a great answer to the question "why meditate?"

While I don’t teach from a Buddhist point of view, mindfulness does have its origins there. I found this great couple of paragraphs on why we meditate in Tricycle’s Buddhism for Beginners series (the link is below)
“What Buddhist meditation techniques have in common is their purpose: to help us remain focused and alert; recognize and relate to our experiences with equanimity and serenity; and, ultimately, to become enlightened. Along the way, we learn to put ourselves in others’ shoes and distance ourselves from unhelpful emotional reactions. This has a positive impact on our relationships and our own well-being: we find that meditation helps us encounter life with an open and confident heart.
Outer circumstances are always changing. By reinforcing our ability to work with the present moment and giving us space to explore our minds, meditation engenders qualities of balance, empathy, and happiness that are less and less dependent on causes and conditions beyond our control. We gain insights into the nature of mind and reality and learn to put these insights to good use on the path to freedom.”
Here is the link to the series Buddhism for Beginners

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