Blog Post

Quiet time

Janet Martin • March 13, 2022

Why don't adults get a quiet time?

My grandniece has quiet time every day. She spends time alone with herself and her imagination. She colours, plays with her toys, tells herself stories, sometimes she naps but it’s just a time to rest from the demands of the world. Sounds great doesn’t it?

I wondered why we give up this essential as adults. You may tell me you haven't had time for quiet time or had too much quiet time in the last 2 years. If it's the former ask yourself it that is really true or if you and those you love would have benefitted from you taking a few minutes "off" each day.  If it's the latter check in with yourself and see if there has been a constant drive to keep busy, to do something, to accomplish something or simply fill the time. 

Quiet time is unstructured. There is no need to anything other than what your heart desires in the moment. No need to accomplish anything or do anything. No need to interact with anyone or meet anyone else's needs or wants. It’s a time out from the world and all its demands. A time to simply be and to replenish.

As we head back it to a more normal lifestyle, I encourage you to consider giving yourself the gift of quiet time—even for a few minutes—each day. I think you will find it restorative and energizing—I certainly know my lovely grandniece has lots of energy and is full of creativity after her quiet time!

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