Blog Post


Janet Martin • March 24, 2019

Laughter – we are born with the ability to laugh. My 3 month old grand-nephew laughs - it’s a full body laugh. My grandniece who is 13 months still laughs this way. They laugh at being tickled, at a funny face, at a silly sound, at someone singing to them, at someone dancing with them - they laugh at almost everything. It is their first response to most things.

When do we lose that gift of laughter - when was the last time you had a full belly laugh? You know the one where you have tears in your eyes and you can’t stop laughing? When did we lose the instinct to laugh at life as a first response? When did our laughter become a second or third or rare response?

Let’s commit to laughing more - when thing don’t go exactly as we planned - lets laugh. Let’s laugh when someone sneaks into the parking spot we were waiting for, let’s laugh when the store is out of whatever we made a special trip to get, lets laugh when we forgot to buy milk or pick up the dry-cleaning. Let’s laugh at life’s little inconveniences. Let’s see the mirth in the situation not the annoyance. Let’s laugh whenever and wherever we can. Let’s reclaim our birthright of laughter.

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