Blog Post

Happiness is our birthright

Janet Martin • June 7, 2021

We all deserve to be happy--right now!

Happiness is our birthright. We all deserve to be happy every day.  You deserve to be happy right now.  Make it your anchor:; your touchstone.

But many of us don’t trust happiness—we might have been taught that being too happy was an invitation for something bad to happen, or that it was self-indulgent or that we were put here to suffer! I think that is just nonsense.  

Every life has pain, loss and sadness. Every life has suffering. I have had my fair share of suffering (sometimes of my own making) and I have seen others suffer. I have seen people struggle to be happy and others just give up. But I have seen people triumph over all sorts of calamity and find happiness.  

While there are things to worry about and while there is undoubtedly going to be more pain in my life—I choose to embrace happiness. Even when I am sad and dealing with a loss, the deep undercurrent of contentment with my life and who I am trying to be, assures me that happiness is available. It is my anchor. My birthright. 

So I urge you to do whatever you need to find your own happiness. Get therapy, get a new job, move, make new friends, meditate, ask for help, help others, volunteer, feed your spirit, exercise, eat well, play, laugh—whatever you need to do! And start today. 

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