Christmas 2020
Janet Martin • December 20, 2020
Christmas reflections
As Christmas 2020 roars towards us, I find myself in the usual last minute rush to finish my Christmas shopping. I love Christmas shopping—trying to find something lovely and meaningful for each of the people I care about is a joy for me. I am grateful I have the means to be generous. I am grateful for the two new lives that have entered our family this year and mindful of those who have left us. It has been a year of great joy and great sadness.
I find myself very reflective of this time of year. In a year filled with more or physical distance from the ones I love and care about, I have found great strength my mindfulness practice and teaching. Teaching has given my day’s structure and joy and allowed me to feel that I was being of service to others. It’s been a major contributor to my sanity in this crazy year. My personal practice has helped me navigate the ups and downs of 2020. It helped me deal with the difficult isolation and aloneness that made the sad times worse. But more importantly, it helped me recognize and rest good things that have come this year.
I know that 2020 would have been much more difficult without my mindfulness practice. I am deeply grateful to all of my teachers, starting with Maria Gonzalez, who launched me down this road over a dozen years ago. I came to mindfulness with no real objective other than a little stress relief. But mindfulness has been the gift that keeps on giving. I simply would not be who I am today without mindfulness. I am happier, healthier, and better able to weather whatever life throws at me, including a COVID year, than I would have been without it.
Wishing you all a happy mindful holiday season.