Blog Post

Accepting Omicron

Janet Martin • December 19, 2021

It's a time to focus on acceptance

Just as things were feeling a little more like normal—up jumped Omicron!

Now our holiday and travel plans are up in the air and we are scrambling to get our booster shots. 

We are all tired of this. We feel frustrated, disappointed, sad, afraid, and just generally fed up with this virus. 

I am feeling this too. But I am also recognizing the lesson here—we don’t control anything but our actions and our intentions. It is a time for great equanimity and acceptance—something that is tough for an extroverted “A type“ personality like me. 

It’s a time for great self-care. It is a time for great compassion—for myself and others. It is time for great celebration that I am healthy, my family is healthy and my friends are healthy.  It is a time to be generous—with my time, my expertise, my compassion, my love. It is time to drop into “don’t know mind” with acceptance. 

It is a time to focus on what is going right—the lovely lady that drove my new freezer home when it wouldn’t fit in my car—thank you Karen, the luck of finding my lost car key before the new expensive one was ordered, the arrival of a part to fix my bathroom faucet after 3 months and the plumber who is fitting me in before Christmas, the fact that all the Christmas presents, save one, have arrived and are wrapped. When I think about it there is a lot more going right than wrong. I am going to remember that and enjoy it.

It’s all about where I put my focus and energy. I choose to focus on the positive and I choose to accept what is. 

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